ArkPRTS is a website for fetching both public and private data from Arknights.

Looking for public data? Try searching for a username or user ID. (example)

Wish to view all of your arknights operators? Try logging in.

Trying to export your data to Krooster? Login and click the "Export to Krooster" button.

Wish to ask more questions? Contact me on discord! ( ashlen on my discord server or the arknights server )

  1. visit
  2. enter your email and wait for a code
  3. enter the code sent to your email and login
  4. click on export to krooster
  5. open krooster
  6. open inspect element and go to Application (may need to click the ribbon)
  7. open local storage and select
  8. replace the operators fields with your copied data
  9. reload the page, ideally force-sync your data if it's not visible publicly
  10. Wish to also export your inventory?

  11. click on export items to krooster
  12. go to the planner
  13. import data as csv
  14. if disabled, show inactive materials to view your inventory

Android instructions if you don't have a computer available.

  1. download Eruda (or get the MobiDevTools extension on firefox)
  2. visit
  3. enter your email and wait for a code
  4. enter the code sent to your email and login
  5. copy everything under the "export to krooster" field
  6. open krooster and login
  7. click on the devtools icon in the bottom left corner
  8. into the console type: localStorage.operators = ''
  9. Paste your data between the two apostrophes and execute
  10. reload the page, ideally force-sync your data if it's not visible publicly

For developers

There are several API endpoints available. (docs, source code).